Bay Navigator

Suspected Lung Cancer: GPs to Refer Directly to Radiology for CT Chest

If you have a chest Xray showing a suspicious lung lesion and the radiology reports recommends a CT chest, you can refer directly to radiology for this using the BPAC / Midland e-referral tool in MedTech.

If you have a chest Xray showing a suspicious lung lesion and the radiology reports recommends a CT chest, you can refer directly to radiology for this using the BPAC / Midland e-referral tool in MedTech. Make sure you select  the ‘High Suspicion of Cancer’ box, otherwise your patient will be waiting for much longer than 2 weeks!

See below an example of a CT chest referral. You should also concurrently refer to the respiratory clinic, and if using the e-referral tool again select the ‘High Suspicion of Cancer’ option to ensure the patient gets seen quickly.


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