Pressure Injury Prevention and Management Week 23-29th November 23 Nov 2020
This week is pressure injury prevention and management awareness week.
This week is pressure injury prevention and management awareness week. We would like to take the opportunity to raise awareness of and remind staff of the importance of pressure injury prevention and management.
We would also like to acknowledge and thank those staff across the region who have engaged and supported Bay of Plenty District Health Board’s aim to reduce the incidence and severity of pressure injuries, and to improve the reporting of pressure injuries.
Recognising the value of education that enables healthcare workers to proactively prevent and manage pressure injuries; the BOP DHB has developed an eight-lesson pressure injury prevention and management course available to healthcare staff in the Bay of Plenty at Te Whāriki āToi
The Time to Invest Pressure Injury Prevention and Management is NOW!
Educating patients about pressure injury prevention and management gives them an important opportunity to participate in their own care. Patients are usually in the best position to decide how care should be delivered and when to do so.
Firstly, patients need to know what pressure injuries are and how they can prevent them. Involving patients in pressure injury prevention is not always going to be easy nor in some instances appropriate. Clinical judgement will help healthcare workers to decide when patients (and their family-whānau) are ready talk about pressure injury prevention and management.
Patient information pamphlets to aid conversations about preventing pressure injuries can be found on the ACC ordering platform
Patient information(printed) is available in English, Hindi, Maori, Samoan, Simplified Chinese, Tongan. (Online) - English, Arabic, Burmese, Hindi, Korean, Maori, Punjabi, Samoan, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Tagalog, Tokelauan, Tongan, Traditional Chinese, Tuvaluan. (BOP Pressure Injury Prevention and Management Initiative – Project Lead).
Poster by: @sonia_sparkles