Clinical Matters Newsletter - July 2021 30 Jul 2021
Welcome to the July 2021 Edition of Clinical Matters!
In this issue...
Bay Navigator Content Update
The GP Liaison team are currently working their way through checking all the content on the Bay Navigator website to see what's current or needs updating.
You may also start to notice that some links are removed. We have run a usage analysis and from that we will be removing some content that has no views or very low views. This will ensure we can focus the site on information that is current and relevant to GPs.
This content clean up is one of the first steps towards the upgrading of the Bay Navigator website to a new modern design in line with other BOPDHB websites.
In the new design we are looking at combining information previously spread out over several locations, and better ways to find information for example an A-Z view.
If you have any questions regarding the upgrade, or if you notice any resources are no longer available that you regularly refer to please contact the team -
COVID-19 Vaccination Booking eReferral Now Live
The COVID-19 Vaccination Booking eReferral form is now live on Best Practice (BPAC).
Please see below for further information.
If you have any questions regarding the form please contact us at
New Service Trial for Certain Paediatric Orthopaedic Conditions
BOPDHB is piloting a new Paediatric Orthopaedic Triage Service (POTS) in the Western Bay, which will be available for specific paediatric postural variants. GPs will be able to refer to this service from 26th July 2021.
Prior to POTS, GPs would refer children with orthopaedic conditions directly to Orthopaedics where they could wait 4-6 months to be seen by an Orthopaedic specialist often to be referred onto a paediatric physiotherapist as the majority of children with normal variants don’t require surgery. The new service will enable children to be seen quickly by an expert paediatric physiotherapist who will be able to provide assessment and treatment options.
POTS criteria
POTS sits under the wider BOPDHB Orthopaedic services umbrella alongside the Community Orthopaedic Triage Service (COTS).
The POTS Clinic will see the below postural variant conditions in those under 16 years of age:
- Intoeing/Out toeing
- Flat feet
- Toe Walkers
- Curly Toes
- Bow Legs
- Knock knees
These children can be referred to POTS from Primary Care via a new POTS BPAC referral form accessible under Orthopaedics.
Localised health pathways will be made available via the Midland Region Community Health pathways. This information will include patient handouts to support the whanau of the tamariki. It will also outline when to refer to a specialist service (POTS).
The BOP POTS pathway is:
- BPAC referral
- Physio triages referral within 72 hours
- Patient booked into a POTS clinic
- Physiotherapist sees patient for their initial assessment within 4 weeks of referral received
- Intervention provided by the physiotherapist where possible and either discharged from the service or on-referred (see pathways listed below)
Onward referral pathways of postural variants include:
- Paediatric Physiotherapy (for on-going paediatric physiotherapy management)
- Orthotics
- Self-Management – Discharged backed to primary care with advice and education
- A DHB Health Speciality Service Paediatrics, Orthopaedics, Child Development Services
POTS clinics will operate out of Tauranga Orthopaedic Outpatients alongside our Paediatric Orthopaedic surgeons’ clinics so that the physiotherapist can consult with the surgeon as required. Clinics will then look to be set up within Whakatane Hospital. The long-term intent is to relocate these clinics into the community based on community need.
Click these links for the POTS poster, patient information leaflet and “frequently asked questions and answers” (Q & A for GPs, Q & A for patients) for your information. Hardcopies of the patient information leaflet will be distributed to your practice.
The POTS team are more than happy to come out your practice to answer in person any questions or queries you may have about POTS. We are also happy to be contacted via email or you can ring Annie/Brigitte (our friendly paediatric physiotherapists) direct on 027 589 4219.
The POTS team will also be presenting at a CME session on POTS conditions, and paediatric musculoskeletal assessments booked for the 19th October 6.30pm – 8pm at the Clinical Education Centre, 889 Cameron Road, Tauranga.
Exciting Changes for BOPDHB Renal Department
BOPDHB Grand Round Presentations
Grand Round at Tauranga Hospital is held regularly on Tuesdays (1230-1330) at the Conference Centre (behind the Medical Library) on the ground floor.
Grand Round is a weekly forum for local and visiting speakers from a range of disciplines. It provides a valuable opportunity for junior and senior hospital medical staff to present on behalf of their departments/specialties'.
If you would like to join the emailing list to be notified of sessions in advance so you can attend in person or via zoom please email
Below are the video links to recent presentations:
- Matariki (6 July 2021) - Graham Cameron
- Plastic Free July (13 July 2021) - Vicktoria Blake
- CEO and Executive Forum (20 July 2021) - Pete Chandler
- Equity in Trauma (27 July 2021) - Mr Jacques Marnewick

Midland HealthPathways Update
New pathways for GPs on HealthPathways
The following pathways are now live on our HealthPathways site for you to use:
- Dabigatran and Rivaroxaban
And remember there is up-to-date information on all matters Covid-19 for primary care on Health Pathways, including national as well as local information.
HealthPathways is a collection of management guidelines specifically tailored to primary care. Our GP Liaison team is in the process of 'localising' these pathways to the Bay of Plenty, i.e, making them relevant to GPs and other primary care providers specifically in the Bay of Plenty. You'll find valuable pointers on history, examination, treatment and of course when and how to refer patients on to other services. These pathways will, over time, be replacing the Bay Navigator pathways.

Dr Chris Tofield, Dr Dan Jackson, and Dr Paula Taylor
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