Syringe Driver Training in the EBOP 25 Feb 2022
The community palliative is currently very stretched in the Eastern Bay. They currently only have one 0.8 FTE nurse in the community alongside the clinical manager.
The community palliative is currently very stretched in the Eastern Bay. They currently only have one 0.8 FTE nurse in the community alongside the clinical manager. This means that at present patients requiring urgent care will be prioritised. Unfortunately with Omicron in the community this may reduce even further. If there are any nurses or GPs that maybe interested in refreshing their knowledge or learning about setting up syringe drivers should this be urgently needed for our patients there are two evenings planned to go through this at the Whakatane hospital clinical school on 9/3/22 and 15/3/22. Please email or call on the phone number on the poster if you are interested.