Bay Navigator

Why Might You Need to Refer to a Public Health Nurse

Are you worried about the unmet health needs of some of your most vulnerable families? Do you know of children that have significant health issues but are not engaging with health providers?

Are you worried about the unmet health needs of some of your most vulnerable families? Do you know of children that have significant health issues but are not engaging with health providers?

The public health nurses are a valuable resource that can assist, support and advocate around the health concerns of children aged 0-16. They act as a central hub of contact with connections to relevant community services. They regularly visit pre-schools, child care facilities, primary and intermediate schools, and can do home visits if appropriate.

There is more information and an electronic referral form on the Bay Navigator website’s Child Health Referrals page.

Also just a reminder to us all to ensure that we try to reduce any barriers to those vulnerable families accessing primary care. Children under 13 are eligible for free primary care but parents may be reluctant to bring their child for essential medical treatment if they themselves have debt.

There may be cultural sensitivities to discussing financial hardship in a busy waiting room and reluctance to even attend the practice at all for a child’s appointment if the debt is brought up each time. And to those with very little disposable income even the $21 to provide a copy of a birth certificate may be out of reach.

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