Bay Navigator

Endoscopy eReferral

This form will facilitate direct access to upper GI endoscopy, provide a referral route for patients needing surveillance endoscopy and those with asymptomatic iron deficiency anaemia, as well as being a replacement for the current Suspected Colorectal Cancer eReferral form.

This form will facilitate direct access to upper GI endoscopy, provide a referral route for patients needing surveillance endoscopy and those with asymptomatic iron deficiency anaemia, as well as being a replacement for the current Suspected Colorectal Cancer eReferral form.

The Direct Access to Endoscopy and CT Colonography service enables GPs to refer patients with the recommendation that they go directly to upper or lower GI endoscopy without a preceding Specialist outpatient appointment. It is also the only access point for GPs to obtain a publically funded CT Colonography.

If you are unsure as to whether your patient requires an Endoscopy or CT Colonography they should be referred for a gastroenterology/general surgery specialist outpatient appointment through the normal eReferral channels.

Fully answering the screening questions will allow for accurate grading of the referral by the Gastroenterology service. If the grader identifies that there is uncertainty regarding the need for direct access to either Endoscopy/CT Colonography, the patient may be seen in outpatient clinic.

After the Endoscopy, patients with an abnormal result may be followed up with an outpatient appointment, those with a normal result will be referred back to their GP for further management. This may include advice for primary management or additional investigations.

All CT Colonography results will go back to the GP; if the result is abnormal please follow it up appropriately with referral back to Gastroenterology or General Surgery Services where necessary.

Advice regarding further management can be found on the Bay Navigator Dyspepsia/Heartburn and Suspected Bowel Cancer pathways.

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