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Read the Latest From BOPDHB Ce, Helen Mason - 11 December 2018

We know that as a health system we need to make some significant changes in the way we work, a paradigm shift, to meet the demands of healthcare today and into the future.


What’s been keeping Pete busy?

We know that as a health system we need to make some significant changes in the way we work, a paradigm shift, to meet the demands of healthcare today and into the future. We’re calling it BOP Health System Evolution and we’ve asked Pete to work on it on the DHB’s behalf.

Pete has been meeting with a range of people across the local healthcare system over the last two months and been asking them three questions: 1) How are we doing? 2) What do we need to do next? 3) What’s getting in the way of doing what we need to do next?

He’s collating the responses and working through what that advice means for us as a DHB: what the future holds; and what we need to do to continue providing the best care for our communities.

Pete will be reporting his findings to the Strategic Health Committee in the New Year and I look forward to updating you as we progress this exciting piece of work.

Read more from BOPDHB CE, Helen Mason…


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