Bay Navigator

Health Sector Measles Management Update - 23 October 2019

Please click here for an updated version regarding measles management on behalf of Janet Hanvey, Incident Controller for Toi Te Ora Public Health.  This supersedes the advice dated 20 September 2019.  Please forward this update to your relevant networks.

Tēnā koutou,

Please click here for an updated version regarding measles management on behalf of Janet Hanvey, Incident Controller for Toi Te Ora Public Health.  This supersedes the advice dated 20 September 2019.  Please forward this update to your relevant networks.

 Since January there have been more than 1,900 laboratory confirmed cases of measles across the country.  Toi Te Ora Public Health has received 308 notifications to the Medical Officer of Health, with 64 laboratory confirmed positive cases.  Health protection officers, communicable disease nurses, public health nurses, and house officers have investigated all notifications in order to identify and manage new cases and to identify, advise, and manage those who may have been exposed to measles infection. 

 Since August we have followed up exposures including 15 general practice waiting rooms, 4 hospital waiting rooms, 6 workplaces, 3 early childhood centres, and a number of community settings and events such as churches, sports tournaments, arts, and social events.  One confirmed case had more than 400 contacts. 

 Ngā mihi,

Debbie Phillips Public Information Manager Phone: 07 577 3793 Mobile: 021 791 814 Website:

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