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Woundcare Basics for Primary Healthcare Online Course Available now

Woundcare Basics for Primary Healthcare, as created by Waikato DHB is now available through Te Whāriki ā Toi. This free online course covers:

Woundcare Basics for Primary Healthcare, as created by Waikato DHB is now available through Te Whāriki ā Toi. This free online course covers:

  • The physiology of wound healing including wound healing methods and the factors influencing wound healing.
  • The TIME assessment tool and be able to utilise it in wound assessment.
  • Generic wound products and their use/functions.
  • Understand the relationship between aging and skin tears including wound healing methods.
  • Understand the STAR classification system and be able to utilize it in assessing skin tears.
  • Apply appropriate dressings to manage skin tears.

The course is expected to take approximately four hours to complete, and you do not have to complete it all in one sitting. You will receive proof of learning after successfully passing the modules. It is aimed at healthcare professionals with an interest in wound care and who want to know to manage different wound aetiologies.

If you do not yet have a Te Whāriki ā Toi (previously Midland Learning) account, please complete the Online Learning Memorandum of Understanding and send through to and they will set up accounts for your team members. Each person needs a different email address. Please note. Only one Online Learning MoU is required per organisation. If you are not sure if your organisation has an MoU, just get in touch with the Online Learning team.


There are a number of other courses available for Primary Care in Te Whariki a Toi, and the list is growing.  To be kept up to date with new courses, please contact

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