Bay Navigator

SSKIN Matters Integration Study Day - 1 June 2021

We invite you to attend the integrated study day ‘SSKIN Matters’ on 1 June 2021, from (registration open at 08:00) 09:00 -16:30hrs. 


We invite you to attend the integrated study day ‘SSKIN Matters’ on 1 June 2021, from (registration open at 08:00) 09:00 -16:30hrs. The study day will be held at the Tauranga Yacht and Power Boat Club - Keith Allen Drive, Tauranga.

We would be delighted if you (registered professionals only) could attend. There will be opportunities to network with other registered health professionals across the BOP DHB region from a variety of health care settings (e.g. Aged Residential Care, Allied Health, HCSS and District Health Board Staff….)

Presentations will cover:

  • A closer look at incontinence associated dermatitis
  • The palliative patient, pressure injuries and wound care (TBC)
  • Pressure injuries, medications, and co-morbidities
  • Pressure injury prevention and management
  • Let’s stop heel injuries…
  • A community case study


The day will conclude with an open discussion on key points raised and a panel discussion.

Refreshments and lunch will be provided.

Spaces are limited! So book now….

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