10 April 2017
Varicose Veins Threshold for Secondary Care
10AprThere have been some questions about varicose veins and the level for threshold for being seen in secondary service. The grades can be found on Bay Navigator under Elective Services. Currently the DHB is seeing 2B and above. A note from the vascular surgeons below: ....
Congratulations to BOPDHB GPs for Hepatitis Prescribing
10AprCongratulations to the BOPDHB General Practitioners – you have prescribed the most Hepatitis C treatments (Viekira Pak) to your patients compared to all other DHBs for the period Oct-Dec 2016.....
New Menorrhagia e-Referral
10AprA new e-Referral for those patients presenting with menorrhagia has been created to help make the process more streamlined and efficient. This is scheduled to go live on the 20th April.....
"Vaxxed: From Cover Up to Catastrophe
10Apr"Vaxxed: From Cover Up to Catastrophe" (2016) screened yesterday in Auckland, with further screenings across NZ in the next week or so.....