Bay Navigator

November 2017

Referring Acutely to Hospital?


When you send a patient to hospital acutely, do you tell them they are being sent for specialist assessment, or that they are being admitted?....

Termination of Pregnancy e-Referrals


There is now an e-Referral for both medical and surgical terminations. The medical terminations are available via Tauranga Family Planning and this is stated on the e-Referral as below.....

Reducing Results Being Copied to General Practice


Patient portals are creating some challenges for us in terms of ensuring good communication with patients.....

"Keep on your Feet"


Doctors as well as practice nurses can now refer any patient with poor strength and balance, or anyone who is at risk of falling, to low-cost ‘Keep on your Feet’ community classes.....

New Sexual Health e-Referral


This will Go Live on the 16th November in Best Practice.  The e-Referral will allow us to write an referral letter direct to the Sexual Health service via the usual process.....

Read the Latest From Acting BOPDHB CE, Pete Chandler - 13 Nov 2017


Let’s be honest . . . in the real world it’s actually quite hard to have a BUILD conversation, regardless of whether you’re the initiator or the recipient. That’s probably why these are called ‘difficult conversations’!....

Recent HDC Decision: Follow-up of Abnormal PSA Test Result


The following decisions have recently been published on the Health and Disability Commissioner (HDC) website: ....