Bay Navigator

May 2021

Clinical Matters Newsletter - May 2021


Welcome to the May 2021 Edition of Clinical Matters!....

National Bowel Screening Programme Session - Recording


If you missed the National Bowel Screening session this week with the WBOPPHO here is the link to recording of the session:

Webinar: Capacity and Decision Making in Dementia: A-Case-Based Approach for GPs


This interactive webinar will offer a clear approach for GPs and other health practitioners when faced with questions regarding capacity of their patients.....

SSKIN Matters Integration Study Day - 1 June 2021


We invite you to attend the integrated study day ‘SSKIN Matters’ on 1 June 2021, from (registration open at 08:00) 09:00 -16:30hrs. ....

Post-Menopausal Bleeding - New Dual Gynaecology/Radiology Electronic Referral Form Available


Referrals to the gynaecology team for post-menopausal bleeding always need to be paired with a pelvic ultrasound to assess endometrial thickness, historically necessitating the completion of two separate electronic referral forms.....

Transcription Delays


Please be aware that BOPDHB is currently experiencing significant delays in transcription turnaround time.....

Level 1a Advance Care Plan Training Workshop


Advance Care Planning (ACP) is the process of thinking about, talking about and planning for future health care.....

Changes to Cellulitis Pathway on Bay Navigator


In order to line up with best practice and other DHBs, the Cellulitis pathway on the Bay Navigator site has been updated.....

Updated Guidelines on COVID Vaccination for Cancer Patients


Please click here to read the Updated Guidelines on Covid Vaccination for Cancer Patients.....

Your Feedback is Needed on the Bay Navigator Website


Complete our survey and go in the draw for a $20 coffee voucher! Answer 2 quick questions about Bay Navigator.....

Now Live: Tautoko Mai Sexual Harm Support Service Electronic Referral


The Tautoko Mai Sexual Harm Support Service now has an electronic form available via Best Practice.....