Bay Navigator

COVID Call Lines for GPs

Western BOP: 
Any GP with a Covid-related query can ring the hospital and ask to be put through to either: 

Western BOP: 
Any GP with a Covid-related query can ring the hospital and ask to be put through to either: 

  1. ID SMO 24/7  If you would like some further advice about your Covid patients in the community. This will be the ID physician answering questions related to Covid to do with testing, interpretation of results, isolation, public health and management issues for patients isolating at home or as outpatients. 
  2. Covid SMO weekdays 8-4pm to discuss potential admissions to a Covid Ward, for Covid patients that can no longer be managed in the community and require specific hospital treatment for their Covid (Oxygen, dexamethasone, etc. )  
  3. Medical on-call doctor (SMO or registrar) 24/7 for all other medical admissions; this includes patients who need to come in for a medical condition, including those who are incidentally Covid positive.  

    If you are uncertain who to speak to, please let telephony know and they will be able to direct you, or find out.

Eastern BOP: 
Any GP with a Covid-related query can ring the hospital and ask to be put through to either:  

  1. ID SMO 24/7  If you would like some further advice about your Covid patients in the community. This will be the ID physician answering questions related to Covid to do with testing, interpretation of results, isolation, public health and management issues for patients isolating at home or as outpatients 
  2. On-call Medical SMO (8am-5pm) to discuss potential admissions to a Covid Ward, for Covid patients that can no longer be managed in the community and require specific hospital treatment for their Covid (Oxygen, dexamethasone, etc. ); this includes patients who need to come in for a medical condition, including those who are incidentally Covid positive.    
  3. ED SMO (5pm-8am) for patients detailed in 2).  
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